Making Space Matter Report and Toolkit

In Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) new report, Making Space Matter: The Path to the Child Care and Early Learning Facilities Our Kids Deserve, they gathered resources on facility development and related strategies that local champions across the nation can use to actively plan for an interconnected system of supports needed to finally get kids – and teachers – into the spaces they deserve.

Also, The Making Space Matter toolkit is a concrete, interactive, step-by-step guide to help craft child care and early learning facilities policies of the future. Our innovative toolkit walks users through assessing their existing state system of supports for child care facilities, covering all of the interconnected pieces that are needed to create meaningful and sustainable change. By the end of the module, leaders will have the information and tools they need to develop a detailed, actionable plans, using the categories of data/information, funding, policy, regulation, partnership and technical supports. 

At any time, if you need help navigating you can reach LISC staff at


Ask Congress to Fund Child Care Facilities in FY 2023 Appropriations Bills